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Co-ordinating all stakeholders

The development of new residential quarters with more than 1,000 new housing units defines the framework conditions of life for many people over several decades by determining the built environment of all those who live and work in the area. For this reason, neighbourhood development is no longer decided by planners and investors alone – local inhabitants and institutions, too, are involved at an early moment.

Vienna’s Urban Renewal Offices (GB*) have been active in the neighbourhoods Nordbahnviertel (2nd municipal district), Sonnwendviertel (10th municipal district) and Aspanggründe/Eurogate (3rd municipal district) since 2012. In 2018, neighbourhood management activities were extended to parts of the 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd municipal districts.

The objectives and tasks of neighbourhood management include:

  • early involvement of the population in projects and provision of up-to-date, relevant information;
  • co-ordination of all players and support through local “neighbourhood know-how” and technical expertise;
  • attractive design of interfaces between “old” and “new”; and
  • fostering of solid and durable ties between the adjoining, older built stock and the new urban quarters.

For further information (in German)