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Pioneering approaches for the future

Every year, Vienna invests significant amounts of money in the rehabilitation and modernisation of municipal housing estates. Innovative approaches in such areas as energy, barrier-free solutions and the improvement of quality of life while preserving the historical context are continually introduced and implemented in the course of rehabilitation projects. At the same time, many new, contemporary housing projects are constructed, e.g. in the framework of the Smart City project “Smarter Together”, which is supported by the European Union and aims to enhance the quality of life of Vienna’s population.

The City of Vienna is likewise dedicated to the objective of safety and security. The self-initiated process of pre-refurbishment safety inspections not only ensures greater safety for residents but also serves as a valuable preventive measure for Wiener Wohnen and law enforcement.


Its large-scale renovation entailed comprehensive modernisation measures.


RenoBooster is an EU-funded project that significantly facilitates access to information on housing renovation and refurbishment for owners and property management companies.


This project enhances the body of knowledge regarding the safety of municipal housing projects with a view to crime prevention.

SMART BLOCK_Geblergasse

The rehabilitation of this residential building in Geblergasse is a prime example of eco-conscious housing in modernised and upgraded “old building stock”.


Exemplary innovations contribute to attaining the UN climate goals as well as to generating positive social dynamics.